N-Grams (Old, Historical, Still Compatible with IM3)

Welcome to Infinite Monkeys' N-Gram algorithm in JavaScript. You can paste any text into the upper box, then click the EAT button. The text will be loaded into memory and statistically organized. You can then generate text from the input.

Links will be collected between sequential words and then weighted according to frequency. To determine which word will be generated, im3's N-Gram algorithm will 'roll' the weights against each other. So a weight of 8 will randomly generate any number between 1 and 8, while a weight of 4 will randomly generate any number between 1 and 4. The winner is then selected for inclusion in the text. Please enjoy and feel free to post your output in the comments. j(Infinite Monkeys) v.5



  1. is there is brighter if the decision
    all four were bought this which have a stroke
    a shallow hole a very like a donkey that has lime in rubbed purr in rubbed purr in showing that let
    a difference is no melody harder
    a wedding a regular and saucer
    dirt is a sky colored rid of pounding way to be left open to have corners to be breakages in the last brown and such occasion and a blanket a chance of colored sky colored grey and distance and a suitable bedding very suitable bedding very strongly may not my dear it shows that it shadows are dust is a church
    the decision
    enough in singular arrangement the other if it away was not high it is handsome and not to make four were bought this is a sound
    i hope and mild colds there is one way not where is nickel it does more cover up makes more melodiously if the resemblance to choosing is in white so necessary the band has been necessary to say it not the mark best to use of place that interpretation and wear it

  2. the richness of language
    telling evidence about the work itself we call this important

    how music functions –
    it provides a stable message
    despite potential changes
    in sound

    of semantics
    look at

    work itself we call this important

  3. and either natural tendency to try another legislation,
    the signal given, th' oblivious pool, `and see you.
    Your change more wakeful, more vices
    And waking we happened,
    from somebody else
    subsists about those near
    so plainly seen
    in celestial song.

    some designated horn would feel it,
    one flesh, or fieldfare

    the disproportion may suppose this

    he looked more mottled than cowardice.
    For dogs bark of concealment
    accustomed to ruin;

    so frightened myself,
    more often snappish,
    irritable, hard
    or venom-spider, rewritten over
    one vein, stretching right paw of terror:
    the throng of perfect virtue.
    A perfect terror.
